Winter Sickness Kit/Last Blog of 2017

Image result for winter sickness kit

Hi! Happy Hump Day! Today is especially exciting for me because it’s now T minus 2 days until my Christmas break! And I don’t resume work until after the New Year. Yippee! Talk about much needed time off, I can’t wait to spend quality time with my parents and siblings since I don’t get to see them every day. And I was so close to getting by this winter without getting sick until I woke up on Monday with a scratchy throat. Can someone say holiday buzz kill!! I went to work on Monday trying to ignore my throat hoping it would go away. WRONG. So Tuesday I stayed home and nursed my throat which I’m continuing to do today. I even checked my insurance profile to see when the last time I was sick and literally hasn’t been since March 2015. I’m still in denial as being labeled as sick though, I don’t have the body aches or any other signs of feeling sick. My only symptom is a sore/scratchy throat that I’m sure can easily turn into a crazy nasal-y sinus and throat issue but I’m doing my best to help it subside.  That being said, I wanted to share some remedies that I’m using and are working like a charm. Below is a list of things one by one and how I use it.

1.  Mountain Tea/Chai Mali

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This is a popular herbal tea in the Mediterranean and I’m lucky to have some straight from Albania, thanks to my boyfriends parents and sister for bringing it over. All you do is take the dried flowers and boil them in water, you can also add honey and lemon to taste.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Honey Concoction

Sickness Kit, December 2017

This is probably my favorite drink when I’m sick. It’s so soothing to my throat and I really don’t mind the taste, the honey and lemon mask the apple cider vinegar. Add a little dash of cinnamon, it tastes amazing.

3. Oregano Tea

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I purchased my organic oregano at sprouts and just boiled it with water. Very soothing. I got the idea from Pinterest, my natural healing bible.

4. Emergen-C

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Not only do I like the taste but adding electrolytes and extra Vitamin C is always a good idea.

I’m also still doing my green shakes in the morning; kale, chard, banana, apple, avocado, hemp seeds and almond milk. And tonight hopefully I’ll enjoy some pho, a Vietnamese noodle soup. SO GOOD. If there are any remedies that you use that I missed or if any of these have worked for you too, please share. Also, all of the underlined words have links attached to them with additional information if you would like to do more research.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog either today or anytime during my first year of blogging, this will be my last entry for 2017 until the New Year as I will be on vacation. If there any blog ideas you have or would like to see please comment below, I would love to hear from you. Until then Happy Holidays and I’ll see you next year!!



Holiday Party, December 2017