Spring Break Starts Now!

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Spring Break officially begins for me today! I’m 9 weeks into my Microbiology class, the last semester of pre-requisites for a nursing program. Having a week off is SO EXCITING especially after back to back exams! Last night I endured a 3 hour lab practical. Mentally taxing is a description that comes to mind. With 10 more weeks remaining, a mental and physical break from school is necessary. But make no mistake our professor has an exam for us right when we get back. So study time is definitely on my agenda.

I am lucky though, my professor is very thoughtful in that she plays harmonious music while we do our test and does a breathing exercise to help reduce anxiety. I found some articles from www.verywell.com about relieving stress when feeling overwhelmed and 10 stress relievers for students. Although I know all of these things it’s nice to come back and read them when I need. Too often I forget to stop and take a deep breath while trying to work, study, go to school and be a thoughtful contributor in my relationships.

Goals for this spring break: study by the pool, exercise, spend time with my friends and boyfriend and hopefully get a tan while I’m at it.

How are you spending your spring break?


Sun Bathing in March, yes please

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