N stands for Nurturing

Image result for tenderness

Happy Wednesday! I’m on the count down, 3 more weeks left of school for this Spring semester! Time is so precious and can’t to get some extra ME time back.

Today, I’ll continue on our spiritual journey with Deepak Chopra in the ‘Soul of Healing Affirmation’ with the letter N. I love this message because it reminds me of being connected and accepting. I hope you like too, enjoy.

‘N stands for Nurturing

In the words of Jesus Christ ‘Love others as well as you love yourself’


Because the other is our Self

Every situation, every circumstance, every event, every relationship is a mirror of what’s going on inside ourselves

So let us begin to see the world as a mirror

Today’s affirmation is literally to nurture ourselves by nurturing the world

Today, I will nurture the world and all my relationships with attention, affection, appreciation, tenderness, beauty and love

Today, I will pay attention, attention means I will listen

I will listen today without having the need to respond

I will listen with the eyes of the flesh

I will listen with the eyes of the mind

I will listen with the eyes of the heart

I will listen with the eyes of the soul

Today, I will pay attention

Today, I will also practice affection

I will lovingly show my nurturing to others through tender touch, through hugs, through body language, through eye movements

Today, I will express my affection

Today, I will also express appreciation by noticing the good things in people and by telling them honestly how I notice what is so good in them

Today, I will express my appreciation by noticing the good things in people

Today, I will let go of my violent mind and experience the tenderness that comes from nature that is embodied in the feminine energy in the universe

Today, I will experience tenderness and release tenderness to the world

Today, I will see that beauty is this tenderness

That when I see beauty I know it is truth

That when I see beauty I will know it as love

Today, I will nurture the world and all my relationships with attention, with affection, with appreciation, with tenderness, with beauty and with love’

Much Love,


West Hollywood, April 2017

4 Replies to “N stands for Nurturing”

  1. Хэлло! Спешу сообщить о том, что позитивный паблик вконтакте каждые пол часа размещает угарный мемасик:) Здесь контент полностью бесплатный, загляни https://vk.com/vash_pozitiv и продли себе жизнь; Также в сообществе полностью отсутствует реклама!

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