Happy Wellness Wednesday! I’m back with another message from a series I’ve been following and this week we’re on letter V. V stands for Vision from the series called ‘The Soul of Healing Affirmations’ from the enlightened human himself, Deepak Chopra.
I must say his messages always come in an opportune time and this one especially for me this morning. Not sure if you’ve heard the news or sleep under a rock, which I wish I could do sometimes, but the current events have given me such anxiety. The anxiety of the unknown takes my mind away from whats really important. I love this message because its like a reset button as to what our focus needs to be about in order to think clearly and act with grace and poise.
‘V stands for Vision
Today I will see one thing as if for the first time
Today I will have a vision for myself and for the world
I will stretch more than I can reach
Today I will reach for the stars but keep my feet on the ground
Today I will imagine grand and wondrous things
Today I will make a difference in the world
Today I will wake up to a new existence and I will look at the world as if for the first time
Today I will give myself permission to apply new feelings of appreciation to a flower, to a curtain fluttering in the breeze, to a child’s game, to a tree gracing the roadside
Today I will not take anything for granted
I will see everything anew
Today, I will see one thing as if for the first time’
Peace and Love,
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