Hey all! Happy Hump Day! The last week of March is upon us and it’s almost Easter. WTH?! Where is the time going? I hope everyone is spending their time wisely and enjoying themselves. I came across this article the other night, sent to me by my boyfriend, and wanted to share it. The article answers candid questions about diet and ‘healthy’ food. The article is titled ‘The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right.’
When you click on the link above, it will take you straight to the article. It was posted March 18, 2018 so the information is relevant to today’s conversation about food. Which food is good for us, which diets actually work, etc. The article is in an interview format and written by Mark Bittman, an American food journalist and Dr. David Katz, founder of the True Health Initiative. You can also follow Mark Bittman and Dr. Katz on twitter.
I found this article on twitter from Grub Street. And the photograph is by Bobby Doherty following the question & answer: ‘Raw tomatoes or cooked tomatoes? Our metabolism can more easily access the antioxidant that makes tomatoes red when they’re cooked than when they’re raw.’
Hope you enjoy the article and either get insight or confirmation on the information about food. Happy and healthy eating!

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